Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Milky Milky Toothaches

Here are some recent pics:

Set & Rashmi


Hump tree in Central Park

Lola in the wilderness

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Nova Scotian Hodge Podge

1 cup fresh green beans, trimmed and snapped
1 cup fresh wax beans, trimmed and snapped
1 cup diced carrot
1 cup diced turnip
2 cups cubed new potatoes
6 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup heavy cream (optional)
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1/2 cup water
Place the green beans, wax beans, carrots and turnips into a saucepan and add enough water to cover the vegetables. Lightly salt the water, and bring to a boil. Cook for about 1/2 hour, then add the potatoes and cook for another 1/2 hour. Stir in butter and if desired, cream.
Mix together the flour and 1/2 cup water, and pour into the soup. Cook for a few more minutes to thicken. Remove from heat and serve hot.
Serves 6.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Bilbo Baggins and the hottest old dude ever

Bilbao was absolutely nuts. I've never seen so many people barf as I have in Bilbao. And I got to eat pig snout, how cool is that? I was surprised that it was not hairy. This is a bathroom I really liked inside the Gugg.

The Bilboans (huh?) definitely know art and humor. Enjoy this example of street art.

Obviously, a trip to Bilbao would not be complete without seeing fucking Iggy and the Stooges rock the city. Goddamn that man is hot. And old. Old and hot.

Donostia (San Sebastian)

Here's Doug, looking for the Spanish ladies. A really nice city and of course there was a lot of fiestaing going on. Also, some young prostitute offered me a blow job. Good times.

Wild ponies!!!

Yes, we went to France and ate brie and bagettes. Very twisted and very wrong. We also saw the wild ponies in the mountains.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Monsters and Dinglebats

So we went to the Prado and the Reina Sofia museums today.

Here's a pic of a great painting by Goya:

And here's me at the Sofia Reina:

More to come...

Friday, August 12, 2005

uh, espana?

So we got a hotel for our first night (to soothe the anxiety of some people... I'll name no names) called Petit Palace Italia. The main sell was the massaging shower (nice!), but when I got here (30 minutes ago?) I found out it was part of a chain called High Tech Hoteles, and boy were they right! Internet access, plasma screen tv, the works! Here's some pics. Enjoy!

Me in the mirror. Huge mirror. Also, don't be alarmed by the girl in the bed. That's Doug's friend. I'm afraid I don't actually "work it" that fast... you know, like an hour in country and I already have a girl in my hotel room?

Doug just washed his feet.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Puppy Lovin'

Look how smart my sweetsweet Lola is!!!!
She's the tops!

(click on the pic to see a Lola-rific movie!)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Yay! me too!!

These are all of the states I've been to:

And -- sadly -- these are the only Canadian provinces I've been to...

p.s. I totally copied Nesh on this!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Something smells like egg.

See? Egg.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Worst thing ever...

Last week I discovered the worst thing ever. My computer (12inches of powerbook) has developed a condition in which it rocks back and forth when I put my palms on it. This is annoying. When I flipped the computer over I noticed that OH LORD!! a rubber foot pad is MISSING!!! Now, I'm not gonna sit here and accuse anyone of STEALING it, but whoever did it (Imlookingatyoujoecarlstevewendysamantha) just know that I know and also that EYE know and my I's EYE is LOOKING for some grubby little TAKEYHANDS of the sort that like to FILCH rubber!

The scene of the crime:

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

p.s. Cutest dog EVER!!!

(except for Lola!)

I am I am I am I am

I wish some things were more fun and other things were less fun. That's what I wish.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I knew a Kevin.

That is the funniest quote from a "zine" (yes they still exist) that I read this weekend. This morning I woke up and got coffee and then twin made me a fried egg sammich. After that I returned movies to my most favorite new video rental place (because it stays open late), then I went to get a cell phone "unlocked". This - I swear - is not illegal. Other things that I sometimes do are - in the fact and in the legislation - illegal, though I cannot say any more at this time about those. Now I get to sit down with a new and very small friend and ask him probing questions until the sun comes up. Sounds romantic doesn't it? If only you knew...

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Elbows and People

I ride the subway a lot and I always see a lot of elbows, but much fewer people. Why is that?